Looking for high returns on your savings?
Earn up to 2.67% interest on your savings. Open your new savings account in just 5 minutes using only your phone and ID. Try bunq today, no strings attached.
Looking for high returns on your savings?
Earn up to 2.67% interest on your savings. Open your new savings account in just 5 minutes using only your phone and ID. Try bunq today, no strings attached.
Looking for high returns on your savings?
Earn up to 2.67% interest on your savings. Open your new savings account in just 5 minutes using only your phone and ID. Try bunq today, no strings attached.
Your new savings account, ready in just 5 minutes
Earn up to 2.67% interest
Boost your savings with 2.67% interest on EUR, and 3.01% on USD and GBP.
Invest in Stocks
Effortlessly grow your wealth by investing in stocks.
100% online - no branch visits, no paperwork
Just download the bunq app and sign up from anywhere.
Your new savings account, ready in just 5 minutes
Earn up to 2.67% interest
Boost your savings with 2.67% interest on EUR, and 3.01% on USD and GBP.
Invest in Stocks
Effortlessly grow your wealth by investing in stocks.
100% online - no branch visits, no paperwork
Just download the bunq app and sign up from anywhere.
Your new savings account, ready in just 5 minutes
Earn up to 2.67% interest
Boost your savings with 2.67% interest on EUR, and 3.01% on USD and GBP.
Invest in Stocks
Effortlessly grow your wealth by investing in stocks.
100% online - no branch visits, no paperwork
Just download the bunq app and sign up from anywhere.
Up to 2.67% interest paid out weekly
Earnings get paid out weekly on your bunq Payday, so you benefit from compound interest and reach your goals even quicker.
Up to 2.67% interest paid out weekly
Earnings get paid out weekly on your bunq Payday, so you benefit from compound interest and reach your goals even quicker.
Up to 2.67% interest paid out weekly
Earnings get paid out weekly on your bunq Payday, so you benefit from compound interest and reach your goals even quicker.
3.01% in other currencies
Earn even more interest by opening a savings account in a different currency. For example, by saving in USD or GBP, you can earn a staggering 3.01% interest on your deposits.
3.01% in other currencies
Earn even more interest by opening a savings account in a different currency. For example, by saving in USD or GBP, you can earn a staggering 3.01% interest on your deposits.
Choose where we store your deposits
Unlike traditional banks, bunq puts you in control. We're the only bank that lets you decide where your deposits are invested. We invest ethically, and you choose the industries that align with your values in the app.
Choose where we store your deposits
Unlike traditional banks, bunq puts you in control. We're the only bank that lets you decide where your deposits are invested. We invest ethically, and you choose the industries that align with your values in the app.
Choose where we store your deposits
Unlike traditional banks, bunq puts you in control. We're the only bank that lets you decide where your deposits are invested. We invest ethically, and you choose the industries that align with your values in the app.
2 withdrawals per month
You’re free to withdraw any amount, up to two times a month. We’ll try to keep you going towards your savings goals, but you’ll have full control whenever you need it.
2 withdrawals per month
You’re free to withdraw any amount, up to two times a month. We’ll try to keep you going towards your savings goals, but you’ll have full control whenever you need it.
2 withdrawals per month
You’re free to withdraw any amount, up to two times a month. We’ll try to keep you going towards your savings goals, but you’ll have full control whenever you need it.
Save the change
With AutoSave, every payment you make gets rounded up, and the difference saved. Next time you spend €2.20 on a coffee, you'll add €0.80 to your savings automatically.
Save the change
With AutoSave, every payment you make gets rounded up, and the difference saved. Next time you spend €2.20 on a coffee, you'll add €0.80 to your savings automatically.
Save the change
With AutoSave, every payment you make gets rounded up, and the difference saved. Next time you spend €2.20 on a coffee, you'll add €0.80 to your savings automatically.
Sort incoming payments
Have your incoming payments automatically sorted into the right bank accounts. You can set up rules to determine splits, and easily forward the money to wherever you need it.
Sort incoming payments
Have your incoming payments automatically sorted into the right bank accounts. You can set up rules to determine splits, and easily forward the money to wherever you need it.
Sort incoming payments
Have your incoming payments automatically sorted into the right bank accounts. You can set up rules to determine splits, and easily forward the money to wherever you need it.

Grow your wealth
Looking to grow your wealth further? Start investing in stocks effortlessly with the bunq app. Start with just €10 and enjoy zero fees for the first 3 months.

Grow your wealth
Looking to grow your wealth further? Start investing in stocks effortlessly with the bunq app. Start with just €10 and enjoy zero fees for the first 3 months.

Grow your wealth
Looking to grow your wealth further? Start investing in stocks effortlessly with the bunq app. Start with just €10 and enjoy zero fees for the first 3 months.
bunq does not provide trading advice. Please manage your investments at your own risk. All trading is conducted through our partner, Ginmon.
Trusted by millions of users

Insured up to €100,000
Your money is protected by the Dutch Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS).
Card Payment Refunds
Your money is protected if something doesn't go as planned.
Instant Payments
Send and receive money instantly, no waiting.
24/7 support
Help in your language, whenever you need it.
Trusted by millions of users

Insured up to €100,000
Your money is protected by the Dutch Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS).
Card Payment Refunds
Your money is protected if something doesn't go as planned.
Instant Payments
Send and receive money instantly, no waiting.
24/7 support
Help in your language, whenever you need it.
Trusted by millions of users

Insured up to €100,000
Your money is protected by the Dutch Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS).
Card Payment Refunds
Your money is protected if something doesn't go as planned.
Instant Payments
Send and receive money instantly, no waiting.
24/7 support
Help in your language, whenever you need it.
Find your perfect match
bunq Free
The essentials to get you started.
bunq Core
The bank account for everyday use.
bunq Pro
The bank account that makes budgeting easy.
bunq Elite
The bank account designed for your international lifestyle.
Find your perfect match
bunq Free
The essentials to get you started.
bunq Core
The bank account for everyday use.
bunq Pro
The bank account that makes budgeting easy.
bunq Elite
The bank account designed for your international lifestyle.
Find your perfect match
bunq Free
The essentials to get you started.
bunq Core
The bank account for everyday use.
bunq Pro
The bank account that makes budgeting easy.
bunq Elite
The bank account designed for your international lifestyle.
Start your 30-day free trial
Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.

Start your 30-day free trial
Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.

Start your 30-day free trial
Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.