Open Joint Accounts without any hassle
Try bunq today with a free 30-day trial of any plan. All you need to open your account is your phone, ID and 5 minutes.
Open Joint Accounts without any hassle
Try bunq today with a free 30-day trial of any plan. All you need to open your account is your phone, ID and 5 minutes.
Open Joint Accounts without any hassle
Try bunq today with a free 30-day trial of any plan. All you need to open your account is your phone, ID and 5 minutes.

Easily share your finances
Start banking with up to 10 bunqers in minutes. You all get your own card, and everyone has a clear overview of your shared finances.

Easily share your finances
Start banking with up to 10 bunqers in minutes. You all get your own card, and everyone has a clear overview of your shared finances.

Easily share your finances
Start banking with up to 10 bunqers in minutes. You all get your own card, and everyone has a clear overview of your shared finances.

Save together
All bunq plans include Joint Savings Account, with all the benefits of a regular savings account — including 2.67%* interest — and a joint account combined!

Save together
All bunq plans include Joint Savings Account, with all the benefits of a regular savings account — including 2.67%* interest — and a joint account combined!

Save together
All bunq plans include Joint Savings Account, with all the benefits of a regular savings account — including 2.67%* interest — and a joint account combined!
Budget together
All of bunq's budgeting tools like insights, spending limits and even auto budgeting work perfectly with joint accounts, so you can stay on track for your shared goals together.
Budget together
All of bunq's budgeting tools like insights, spending limits and even auto budgeting work perfectly with joint accounts, so you can stay on track for your shared goals together.
Budget together
All of bunq's budgeting tools like insights, spending limits and even auto budgeting work perfectly with joint accounts, so you can stay on track for your shared goals together.

Save with a bunq Pack
Get a group subscription and save up to 30% on your monthly plan fee. A Pack includes 4 personal accounts, or 3 personal and 1 business account, for just €28,99 per month.

Save with a bunq Pack
Get a group subscription and save up to 30% on your monthly plan fee. A Pack includes 4 personal accounts, or 3 personal and 1 business account, for just €28,99 per month.

Save with a bunq Pack
Get a group subscription and save up to 30% on your monthly plan fee. A Pack includes 4 personal accounts, or 3 personal and 1 business account, for just €28,99 per month.
Available on these plans
bunq Free
The standard bank account.
bunq Core
The bank account for every day use.
bunq Pro
The bank account that travels with you.
bunq Elite
The bank account designed for your international lifestyle.
Available on these plans
bunq Free
The standard bank account.
bunq Core
The bank account for every day use.
bunq Pro
The bank account that travels with you.
bunq Elite
The bank account designed for your international lifestyle.
Available on these plans
bunq Free
The standard bank account.
bunq Core
The bank account for every day use.
bunq Pro
The bank account that travels with you.
bunq Elite
The bank account designed for your international lifestyle.
Start your 30-day free trial
Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.

Start your 30-day free trial
Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.

Start your 30-day free trial
Open your account in just 5 minutes, directly from your phone.