Top 3 Green Delicious Dutch Dishes

Top 3 Green Delicious Dutch Dishes

Enjoy Dutch cuisine at home with these top 3 green recipes shared by bunq. Manage your budget with ease and help the environment while you cook!

1 min read


As an eco-friendly digital bank, bunq is not just about managing your money. We're also passionate about promoting a green lifestyle. So we've decided to share some delicious Dutch dishes you can make at home using sustainable ingredients.

Stamppot: A Comforting Classic

Stamppot is a traditional Dutch dish that's perfect for those chilly nights. It's a hearty blend of mashed potatoes and vegetables, topped with a juicy smoked sausage. To go green, opt for locally sourced vegetables and organic meat.

Dutch Apple Pie: Sweet and Sustainable

Next on our list is the famous Dutch apple pie. For this dessert, use apples from a local farmer's market or, better yet, your own backyard! Pair it with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream for a sweet treat that's kind to the planet.

Erwtensoep: A Hearty Soup

Last but not least, we have Erwtensoep, a thick pea soup that's a staple in Dutch cuisine. This soup is best made with dried split peas and a variety of vegetables. Go eco-friendly by choosing organic produce and free-range pork.

All these dishes are easy to prepare and taste even better when you know they're good for the environment. Plus, they're a great way to experience Dutch culture right in your own kitchen!

With bunq, you can easily manage your grocery budget using our easy budgeting feature. And don't forget, every time you use your bunq card, you're helping plant trees thanks to our sustainable banking initiative.

So why wait? Start cooking these delightful Dutch dishes today and enjoy the satisfaction of eating sustainably!

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What's bunq?

We're not just a bank; we're a lifestyle choice for those who crave freedom, flexibility, and financial control on the go.

Regain control

We're putting full control over your finances back into your hands.

Bank like a local

Seamlessly manage your money, wherever you are.

Budget effortlessly

Set up bank accounts and budget from them automatically.

Plant trees

You could plant a tree for every €100 spent with a bunq card.

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Our DGS insurance protects your money up to €‎100.000.

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What's bunq?

We're not just a bank; we're a lifestyle choice for those who crave freedom, flexibility, and financial control on the go.

Regain control

We're putting full control over your finances back into your hands.

Bank like a local

Seamlessly manage your money, wherever you are.

Budget effortlessly

Set up bank accounts and budget from them automatically.

Plant trees

You could plant a tree for every €100 spent with a bunq card.

Keep money safe

Our DGS insurance protects your money up to €‎100.000.

Bank together

Share your finances with anyone, without all the hassle.

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