Fitness on a Budget: How to Stay Healthy Without Breaking the Bank

Fitness on a Budget: How to Stay Healthy Without Breaking the Bank

Stay fit while keeping your finances in check! Learn how to budget for affordable workouts and healthy meals with smart banking tools like bunq.

2 min read


Staying fit and healthy is essential, but it can be expensive. Fortunately, with smart budgeting and online banking tools like bunq, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle without breaking the bank. Here are some tips to help you stay in shape while keeping your finances in check.

Find Affordable Workout Options

You don't need an expensive gym membership to stay fit. Try bodyweight exercises at home, go for a run, or join a local sports team. You can also find free workout videos online or use fitness apps for guided routines.

Plan Your Meals and Shop Smart

Eating well on a budget is all about planning. Create a meal plan for the week, make a shopping list, and stick to it. Look for sales, buy in bulk, and cook meals in batches to save time and money. Don't forget to pack healthy snacks to avoid impulse purchases!

Use Online Banking Tools to Manage Your Finances

With bunq, managing your money has never been easier. Set up Bank Accounts for different goals like fitness expenses, track your spending with insights, and use easy-budgeting features to stay on top of your finances. Plus, you'll earn interest on your savings account to help you reach your goals faster.

Get Creative with Your Workouts

Switch up your routine by trying new activities or joining fitness challenges with friends. This will keep you motivated and prevent boredom. Remember, staying active doesn't have to cost a fortune – be resourceful and have fun!

Invest in Quality, Affordable Fitness Gear

Invest in versatile, high-quality fitness gear that won't break the bank. Look for sales or second-hand items, and choose equipment that can be used for multiple exercises to get more bang for your buck.


Staying fit on a budget is possible with careful planning and smart financial management. Use bunq's online banking tools to help you stay on track with your fitness goals while keeping your finances in check. Remember, a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag!

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What's bunq?

We're not just a bank; we're a lifestyle choice for those who crave freedom, flexibility, and financial control on the go.

Regain control

We're putting full control over your finances back into your hands.

Bank like a local

Seamlessly manage your money, wherever you are.

Budget effortlessly

Set up bank accounts and budget from them automatically.

Plant trees

You could plant a tree for every €100 spent with a bunq card.

Keep money safe

Our DGS insurance protects your money up to €‎100.000.

Bank together

Share your finances with anyone, without all the hassle.

What's bunq?

We're not just a bank; we're a lifestyle choice for those who crave freedom, flexibility, and financial control on the go.

Regain control

We're putting full control over your finances back into your hands.

Bank like a local

Seamlessly manage your money, wherever you are.

Budget effortlessly

Set up bank accounts and budget from them automatically.

Plant trees

You could plant a tree for every €100 spent with a bunq card.

Keep money safe

Our DGS insurance protects your money up to €‎100.000.

Bank together

Share your finances with anyone, without all the hassle.

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