Report a formal complaint

Use this form to formally lodge a complaint about any issues or concerns related to our services or customer experience. Whether it's regarding a specific transaction, support, or any other matter, your feedback helps us improve. We take all complaints seriously and strive to resolve them in a fair and timely manner.

Please make sure your language and region are set correctly so that we may collect all the information required to handle your report.

English (EU)

English (Ireland)

English (EU)

English (Ireland)

About you

What's your full name?

What's your email address?

If you are a bunq user, please use the same email address you use to log in to your account.

What's your phone number?

What country is your address set to?

Reminder: Please make sure your language and region are set correctly so that we may collect all the information required to handle your report.

English (EU)

English (Ireland)

English (EU)

English (Ireland)

About the issue

When did this issue start?

Is this issue related to EVR?

EVR is the Dutch banking External Referral Register. In this register, all banks part of the PIFI are allowed to report and identify fraudulent persons. This means that once an individual is added to the register, they might have limited access to other banking or financial services in The Netherlands.

Is this issue related to stocks?

Our stock features are powered by Ginmon. If your complaint is related to these features, we'll forward your complaint directly to them so you can get the best possible help with your issue.

Is this issue related to a specific payment?

Please let us know if this complaint is about a payment issue, rather than customer service or another non-payment issue.

Which department handled the issue?

What happened?

Please describe what happened in as much detail as possible.

If you've filed a police report or have other document related to the complaint, please upload a copy of it here

Click to upload file or drag-and-drop. Max 25mb

Please complete your submission

The data you provide in this form is collected and processed by bunq within the EU data region and in compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations.

We’re here to help

If there's no form for your situation, you have any questions or need assistance with anything else, we're always available to offer a helping hand.

We’re here to help

If there's no form for your situation, you have any questions or need assistance with anything else, we're always available to offer a helping hand.

We’re here to help

If there's no form for your situation, you have any questions or need assistance with anything else, we're always available to offer a helping hand.